Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hydrology - Questions

1. A 2 hour storm over 110km^2 area produces a total runoff volume of 3.9x10^6 m^3 with a peak discharge of 250 m^3/s

a) What is the total excess precipitation?
b) What is the unit hydrograph peak discharge?

2. A class A evaporation pan located near a reservoir shows a 1 day evaporation loss of 0.7 in. If the pan coefficient is 0.75, what is the approximate evaporation loss in the reservoir?

3. A well extends from the ground surface at elevation 400 ft through a gravel bed to a layer of bedrock at elevation 300 ft. The screened well is 1450 ft from a river whose surface level is 375 ft. The well is pumped by a 10 in diameter schedule 40 steel pipe which draws 130,000 gal/day. The hydraulic conductivity is 1500 gal/day-ft^2. The pump discharges into a piping network whose friction head is 90 ft. What net power is required for steady flow?

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